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I previously was a school librarian and often used the Froggy books to teach story sequence. My daughter loves the Froggy stories, and when I created this lesson she also had recently got a new bicycle, so this story was of high interest to her.
The main purpose of the lesson is to teach story sequencing and the parts of a story.  This lesson also includes an element of integrating bike safety to help your child connect to the story and aid in comprehension.

Overview: In this lesson we will learn about story sequencing while also learning about bike safety.  

Tip: It is best to complete all of the activities for the story sequencing part of lesson to make sure your child can master the skill.  The bike safety portion of the lesson provides multiple activities that you can pick and choose which a work for your family.  You may also want to involve everyone in the family for the bike activities!

* Build Interest: 1 set of discussion questions 

* Read: 1 library book (or watch online)

* Watch: 1 YouTube video of interactive song with discussion questions

* Guided Practice: Sequencing Activity with discussion questions

* Independent Practice: Writing Activity

* Stretching Your Brain: Optional extension activity that can be used to extend learning or adapted to reteach skills

* Making Connections: 1 video on bike safety, bike safety writing activity, and discussion questions

* Create: 2 bike art activities and a video on how to draw Froggy

* Extensions: 1 video, family outdoor activity, and printable game

* Let’s Recap: 1 set of recap questions

Estimated Time 
1 hour – Multiple Days 
(Time varies based the activities your family selects)

Grade Levels
Learning Objectives: 
I can…

* Name the 3 main parts of a story

* Determine the correct sequence of a story

* Identify the character and setting of a story

* Name ways to be safe while riding a bike

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My name is Michelle North. I previously taught public school for seventeen years. In 2021, I began homeschooling my daughter. Most of my lessons and activities are for teachers and homeschooling in elementary school grades. 😊

Certification: B.A. K-8 Elementary Educ., M.S. K-5 Elem. Reading & Math, Ed.S K-12 Administration & Supervision, Cert. K-12 School Library Media. Highly Qualified in grades K-6, Educational Specialist K-12 , Library Media Specialist K-12