This page can be used with any spelling list! Have your child make the hearts into conversation hearts. Write one spelling word on each heart. To vary the activity, have the child write the word three times on each heart. There are eight hearts. If you have a longer list, just print more copies.
Grades | K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th |
My name is Michelle North. I previously taught public school for seventeen years. In 2021, I began homeschooling my daughter. Most of my lessons and activities are for teachers and homeschooling in elementary school grades. 😊
Certification: B.A. K-8 Elementary Educ., M.S. K-5 Elem. Reading & Math, Ed.S K-12 Administration & Supervision, Cert. K-12 School Library Media. Highly Qualified in grades K-6, Educational Specialist K-12 , Library Media Specialist K-12
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