I previously taught public elementary school. I loved using the Froggy series with my students. When I began homeschooling, I also began using the books with my daughter. I designed this lesson to help teach story structure.
This lesson provides multiple activities to help your child explore the concept of story plot while using a book from the popular “Froggy” book series by Jonathan London. I created this lesson for first grade, but it could be used in grades K-2.
Build Interest- discussion guide
Read- story (with YouTube optional read-aloud), vocabulary list, and discussion questions
Game- instructions for story sequence game
Writing- activity instructions and free download
Read- book list and discussion questions
Watch and Create- YouTube video and activity instructions
Reading Comprehension- Free Download Assessment
Extension Activities- field trip idea, activity idea, three YouTube videos
Let’s Recap- discussion questions
Estimated Time
1 hour (or two 30 minute lessons)
Grades | K, 1st, 2nd |
My name is Michelle North. I previously taught public school for seventeen years. In 2021, I began homeschooling my daughter. Most of my lessons and activities are for teachers and homeschooling in elementary school grades. 😊
Certification: B.A. K-8 Elementary Educ., M.S. K-5 Elem. Reading & Math, Ed.S K-12 Administration & Supervision, Cert. K-12 School Library Media. Highly Qualified in grades K-6, Educational Specialist K-12 , Library Media Specialist K-12
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