About this unit
This unit is intended to extend your learning of all things horses. Use all the components or pick and choose the parts that work best for your needs. These activities may be done in any order and at any pace. The estimated length of time to complete this unit is 1-2 weeks, but can be extended with additional materials or shortened by choosing specific parts.
What’s included
*Book list
*Youtube play list
*Horse Breeds poster
*Equipment poster
*Three part cards-horse breeds and equipment *Horse anatomy and labeling activity
*Information about horses
*Horse information cards
*Interesting Facts
*Horse life cycle
*Measuring activity
*Math game
*Horse diet
*Horse care information (health care and grooming) *Styles of riding
*Horse tack (Eastern and western)
*Countries where horses are found
*Compare and contrast horses vs. ponies
*Horse competitions
*Design your own jokey shirt
*Horse history
*Famous horses
*Famous horse research
*Journal prompts
*Snack idea
*Horse scenes for play
*Horse sensory play ideas
*Horse coloring pages
*Horse bingo
*Craft ideas
Hi! I’m Amanda, a teacher turned homeschool mom. I have a passion for making unit studies that my children love! I love getting to share my resources with others!
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