For the seventh installment of the Magic Tree House Series, Jack and Annie visit the Ice Age! There is a lot of controversy regarding the Ice Age theories, mainly because many scientists use evidence of this period to support their beliefs of evolution. Although our family believes in Young-Earth Creationism, we still want our daughter to be aware of what others believe, and why we believe what we do. For this unit, I decided to create a discussion pack for each chapter with information from Creationists regarding the Ice Age. This is much different than my other units. It does not include any worksheets or crafts, but a collection of notes to help explain the Ice Age from a Biblical perspective. Since this resource only includes notes and references from my personal research, I am offering this as a free download. Even if you aren’t reading The Magic Tree House series, you might enjoy using this in your study of the Ice Age. I personally learned many interesting facts during my research!
Grades | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th |
My name is Michelle North. I previously taught public school for seventeen years. In 2021, I began homeschooling my daughter. Most of my lessons and activities are for teachers and homeschooling in elementary school grades. 😊
Certification: B.A. K-8 Elementary Educ., M.S. K-5 Elem. Reading & Math, Ed.S K-12 Administration & Supervision, Cert. K-12 School Library Media. Highly Qualified in grades K-6, Educational Specialist K-12 , Library Media Specialist K-12
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